Happy New Year! If you’re ready to make some positive health changes in 2019, consider this your ultimate resolution...
Fitness Articles
Being Fit in Middle Age May Protect Against Depression
About 16 million adults in the U.S., and 350 million people around the world, have depression, a major source of...
10 Years Younger Through Exercise
We’ve known for a long time that exercise is healthy. However, a long-term study conducted by sports scientists at the...
Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Exercise for 2 Weeks
How much time does it really take for a healthy person to become measurably less healthy? Less than you might think. According to new research from...
5 Signs You Need a Recovery Day
Once you get into the routine of exercising, it can be difficult to stop. You get almost addicted to that endorphin rush and feel like taking a day...
Stronger muscles may mean sharper minds for kids
Making sure kids have good muscle fitness might also benefit their school performance, according to a recent U.S. study. Aerobic fitness has already...
How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Shape?
Sticking with a regular training routine isn’t always doable—hey, work, family, life happens—and it can be seriously frustrating. … But when you...
3 Tips That Can Save You From Running Injuries
Despite the fact that runners aren’t repeatedly tackled and buried under piles of bodies and equipment, the numbers tell us that they’re hurt almost...
The Many Benefits of Training With a Plan
A goal is a goal. Whether yours is to finish a marathon or to PR in a 5K, to summit Mount Everest or make it to the top of your local ski hill, it’s...
Physical strain, emotional upset can trigger heart attack
Intense physical exertion or extreme emotional upset can each trigger a heart attack, and the risk may be highest if the two are combined, according...
6 Tips on How to Run Long (When You’ve Never Run Long)
So many runners hit a plateau fairly early on in training — we get stuck around the four- or five-mile mark for our longer runs and just never seem...
Mysteries of Weight Loss
So you’re finally ready to lose weight. Now the question is: How? WebMD has answers for you. The standard advice -- to eat less and move more --...