Inspiration Articles

Let America Be America Again – Poem by Langston Hughes

Heard this point this morning and had to put it here. How wonderful. How true.

Meet Vicki Robin, the FIRE Early Retirement Community Idol

Vicki Robin literally wrote the book on retiring happy. Vicki Robin had no idea she’d become a millennial icon. The 72-year-old coauthor of the 1992 bestseller Your Money or Your Life was recuperating from a hip replacement early last year when a young man she’d met...

What Skill is Hard to Learn But will Payoff

Taming your mind is one of the hardest skill to learn but pays off in the longer run. Usually this involves self-evaluation and accountability. I will list a few skills, which point towards the master skill of taming your mind. Constantly challenging what you...

Letter from a Region in My Mind

I underwent, during the summer that I became fourteen, a prolonged religious crisis. I use “religious” in the common, and arbitrary, sense, meaning that I then discovered God, His saints and angels, and His blazing Hell. And since I had been born in a Christian...