Felt really great today at my workout. Had enough energy to power through at a pretty good rate. Meals today were...

Felt really great today at my workout. Had enough energy to power through at a pretty good rate. Meals today were...
This was a real steamer today. I ran outside on a track here on base for the first time in...heck I can 't even...
This is basically my start of my second string on this new regime. Felt relatively strong, but not as strong as I...
Phase 2: (18April – 18June 2011) - Time Period: 8 weeks – Weight: Maintain 175-179lbs (ripped) / <20% Body Fat - Elliptical Caloric burn:...
I haven't really started Phase II, but overall I am on activity Day 60. I have been traveling back to the U.S from Bahrain over the last week. I...
Test Day - Phase 1: (1January – 26February 2011) - Time Period: 8 weeks - Weight: 182 (current) –> 175lbs (Between 175 and 177lbs) -...
Rest day for final Phase 1 test ! Good livin’…keep movin’! -R-
This is equivalent to Day 39 on Lambada program and Day 57 on the “Pathâ€. Awesome workout  and end of first phase - met all the necessary...
Rest Day: Â Normal weekly downtime
This is equivalent to Day 37 on Lambada program and Day 55 on the “Pathâ€. Really good workout. Eating is not doing too well lately.  The last...
This is equivalent to Day 36 on Lambada program and Day 54 on the “Pathâ€. Really kick-up the weights a notch...got a pretty good cardio from...
This is equivalent to Day 35 on Lambada program and Day 53 on the “Pathâ€.  I am really enjoying this workout period; very happy I decided to...