Money Matters Articles

How to Retire on $500K In Your 50’s or 60’s

Yes, it's possible to retire on $500K in your 50’s and 60’s. Here's how to do it safely and stretch your dollars as much as possible. Question: Is it possible to retire on $500K (i.e. $500,000) in your 50’s and 60’s? Unfortunately, not all of us are great savers. ...

Where Are We in ‘The Cycle’?

When viewed through a business-cycle lens, the current economy is showing signs of both mid- and late-cycle dynamics. Source: Where Are We in 'The Cycle'? My Comments: A really good primer on the business by Karen Wallace of MStar.

Start planning now to care for elderly parents

If you have an aging parent and want a glimpse of what the future holds, look no further than Leslie Glutzer. The 66-year-old from Chicago has a mom who is 92, dealing with dementia, now living in a local nursing home. Those costs are not covered by Medicaid, so...

How to put a dynamic retirement spending strategy in place

Welcome to retirement at the beginning of the 21st century: People are living longer, return expectations are muted for the foreseeable future, and employer-funded pension plans are becoming a thing of the past. This is not your parents’ retirement. One of the biggest...