Military-Political Articles

China’s trapped transition

In 2006, Chinese American scholar Minxin Pei published a book called “China’s Trapped Transition.” In it, he invoked the most established “law” in political science — that over time, countries that grow economically tend to become more democratic. (Oil-rich states are...

The Road We have Traveled

My Comments: I consider myself pretty apolitical.  While fiscally conservative, I believe all things social should be left up to the individual, unless it infringes others enjoyment of their rights.  I thinks this video was well done and is quite a mark for the...

Weeping for the Dear Leader

  Comments: You have got to be freaking kidding me.  These folks cannot be serious.  I am sure in some delusional way this makes perfect sense, but it is unbelievable.  A total mind-F#$$% of a population.  I am now a believer...Little Kim is really "the...

Bahrain opposition unites to decry "police state"

In a defiant show of unity, Bahrain opposition parties have jointly denounced the Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab island as a police state and demanded a transition to a constitutional monarchy. Five groups, including the main Shi'ite party Wefaq and the secular Waad party,...