My Videos Articles

“We Gotta Pray” Alicia Keys

Alicia does it again - an extraordinarily gifted poet and an important voice and spirit. Personally, I think the song should be "We are Extraordinary People".   Really love it!

Stephen Fry Somehow Makes Sense Of Racism

It takes a clear head to drill into the bedrock of history, especially when that history contains some pretty atrocious acts. Lucky for us, Stephen Fry is up to the task. Racism makes no damn sense to me.  No damn sense whatsoever...

Police Brutality Destroys “Humanity”

Came across David Miller on FORATV discussing the...

Janine: Hold Me

As a lover of beautiful things I can't resist such sounds.  The purity and sincerity of Janine's voice comes through awesome clear.  Simply beautiful...simply beautiful.