Workout Log Articles

Rupe's Year of the Body: Day 52 (M21)

This is equivalent to Day 34 on Lambada program and Day 52 on the "Path". Good workout, crowded gym.  Started some additional supplements to get energy boost.  Didn't get cardio in, but that's aaigght, I have cardio day tomorrow. Crazy stuff still going on out in...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 51 (Su20)

This is equivalent to Day 33 on Lambada program and Day 51 on the "Path". Since I goofed yesterday, today is a make up. Felt ok, not that strong though; since I am cutting, my caloric intake is down; also, must admit that my diet is not that great as well, will work...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 50 (S19)

This is equivalent to Day 31 on Lambada program and Day 48 on the “Path” .  Sort of a big goof up, I should have done back today since my last workout on Thursday I did cardio.  Having the day off and still working can be a bit of a strain at times. I am falling...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 49(F18)

Off day, but extremely busy.  Got to keep my focus... Lots going on, but can loose focus now.

How to Exercise

HOW TO EXERCISE Make a commitment to invest at least four hours per week to exercise. Aim for 30-60 minute workouts 3 times per week to support a...

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