Workout Log Articles

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 18 (W11)

Felt really great today at my workout.  Had enough energy to power through at a pretty good rate.  Meals today were superb.  Had fried egg-wholewheat bagel sandwiched with a cup of black coffee.  I then had a shake before and after workout and 2 pieces of chicken...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 17 (T10)

This was a real steamer today. I ran outside on a track here on base for the first time in...heck I can 't even remember. Ran 10 laps...about a mile and a half, and honestly, I was winded. Not only was it hot as heck, it the softness of the track seemed to sap every...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 16 (M9)

This is basically my start of my second string on this new regime. Felt relatively strong, but not as strong as I would like to. I think if I want to get a real pump, I might really have to look into getting a better breakfast than I am right now. This morning I had 2...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 15 (F6)

Stayed home today so worked out at home for the first time in a long time.  My stuff was finally delivered from Bahrain, so I was pretty motivated today.  Got to say it was a pretty good workout.  Couldn't do some of the things but good workout nonetheless....