Workout Log Articles

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 10 (F29)

Pretty straight forward week of workout. I am averaging about 175lbs in the weight department; right where I want to be. I will start lifting next week. Workout: Day 10 (F29/60 mins) – Pure Cardio - Elliptical: 60 mins - Distance: 4.3 miles - Calories: 738 - Push...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 9 (Th28)

First back workout since restarting. Legs still a bit sore.  Did 30 mins of TRX for the first time. Really hard to get through full back workout.  Really like the TRX workout, will be looking into it more closely. Workout: Day 9 (Th28/Upper Body II) -...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 8 (W27)

Really sore legs...just popping motrins to full the pain. The war must go on though. Workout: Day 8 (W27/60 mins) – Pure Cardio - Elliptical: 45 mins - Distance: 8.68 miles - Calories: 1002 - Push ups: 200 Tracker Total Distance: 36.03 miles (Goal 250/213.97 remain)...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: PhII-Day 7 (T26)

Pushed legs today for the first time in a long while.  I think I will be hurting a bit over the next few days; will have to take lots of motrin. Workout: Day 7 (T26/Lower Body) - 60mins Legs and ABS (1min rest) Quads: Squats: 2x10reps 1->fail:...