Workout Log Articles

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 59 (M28)

Test Day - Phase 1: (1January – 26February 2011) - Time Period: 8 weeks - Weight: 182 (current) –> 175lbs (Between 175 and 177lbs) - Elliptical Caloric burn: 250 calories in 12 minutes (Only 192 within time) - Total Mileage: 200 miles (completed - 203.93!) -...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 58 (Su27)

Rest day for final Phase 1 test ! Good livin’…keep movin’! -R-

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 57 (S26)

This is equivalent to Day 39 on Lambada program and Day 57 on the “Path”. Awesome workout  and end of first phase - met all the necessary number that I set out to attain.  I will take a rest on Saturday and then take my test for on Sunday. PHASE I COMPLETE!...

Rupe’s Year of the Body: Day 56 (F25)

Rest Day:  Normal weekly downtime