Really enjoyed Boxer Prime  and I feel top fit right now.  I am now on Day 94, closing in on 100 consecutive days of working out.  Never have I done this in my entire life.  I think my body looks good.  I certainly feel good and can’t wait to see where 365 days take me.  I am contemplating taking Yoga and Hell Week from the Themed Week list, but I think I will hold off for now.  I am jumping right into Strength Protocol directly after completing Boxer Prime, one of the most challenging workout at DareBee.  I am in very good shape, as since I am just focusing at the 1st level, I should be alright.  My cardio is doing well too.  My Garmin is going quite well; entered a few step challenges so far and did quite well – very motivating..

(Kept from previous foreword) – Additionally, I have added a couple layers of complexity or demand to my workout.  First, I am religiously sticking to DareBee and the Daily Dare; I am also, keeping the preliminaries.  Second, I have added a consecutive component – so, starting with the end of IronBorn, I have worked consecutively.  I intend to push for 60 straight day, then see if I can get to 90.  So far I am enjoying it and my body seems to be rising to the occasion.  I caught the flu a few day before the end of the last phase – I worked through it and was back up in only a couple of days.  It appears push through and forcing my body to continue working, I was able to push the flu out of my way.  I am also continuing my virtual push to OKC via Benton.  I am really enjoying that but I will have to pick up the mileage here in the next phase as I am running out of time. Keep leaning forward.


DAY 30 [AUG 7] – Day 125 of 150
Distance: 263.83 + 9.40 = 273.23 (LA-OK Run: 824.63)
Cardio (Mixed): 9.40 @ 101.00 min  (Road and Treadmill)
Daily Dares : 100 Flutter Kicks
Summary: Lower back felt much better today.  It is somewhat weird because today was back day and I thought that I would be struggling based on how I felt when I got up this morning.  I persevered and maybe just maybe I might be beating this thing.  I am in a 125k Step Challenge this week.  So far I am chilling in 3rd place – will probably kick it in around Friday.  Must stay no more than 2 to 3k behind leader tho. DD was pretty easy.  I think I am gonna bump up my pre’s to 100 for core.  I am clearly not being challenged right now and move my pushups to 50.  At any rate, no issues with pre’s whatsoever.  Added 9.4 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Quick stop in Benton, now on to OKC.  One down and one to go…can’t stop now – I travel so far!…Ciao!

DAY 29 [AUG 6] – Day 124 of 150
Distance: 257.83 + 6.00 = 263.83 (LA-OK Run: 815.23)
Cardio (House): 6.0 @ 76.00 min  (Road work)
Daily Dares : 100 Uppercuts
Summary: Lower back did not dominate my workouts as much today.  I really did not think I would make it through since I had a bunch of push ups to do.  After getting through the power pushups, I had to modify the one arm to more of an archer push up in which I made a 90-10 split to easy the strain on my back I was able to get in roughly 5 one arm per side this way.  The walkouts were a bear – not only do they take long – they get you winded.  At any rate, I have one more day to go.  I haven’t look at it yet, but I don’t care – whatever it is – I am getting through it and be done with this.  I actually just got through my DD, but they were easy – so no sweat.  No issues with my pre’s.  And from the look of things, I might be adding another step competition win to my belt this week again.  I won’t know until tomorrow tho.  Added 6.0 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Gaining with pain!…Ciao!

DAY 28 [AUG 5] – Day 123 of 150
Distance: 251.93 + 5.90 = 257.83 (LA-OK Run: 809.23)
Cardio (Mixed): 5.90 @ 66.00 min  (Got some road work in today again!)
Daily Dares : 20 Shrimp Squats
Summary: Lower back continues to dominate my workouts.  I am able to get through them with some modification but the pain is pretty intense nonetheless.  Today was all Abs and it kicked my butt primarily on the V-ups, which I had to modify and the L-sit modifications.  Not looking forward to tomorrow – it looks like upperbody power pushups and all.  At any rate, go through my regular regime with Chey pressing me.  Today’s DD Shrimp squats was  quite challenging; wasn’t able to complete the full range of motion. but enough to claim completion of the exercise.  Pre’s was also a bit challenging – had to break up them up into shorter reps – so has to easy the pain and strain on the back.  I am on day 123 straight – I am trying my best not to stop, but it is proving harder each day.  I have 2 more day left on Strength Protocol – I will just have to push through no matter what.  Added 5.90 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  No pain no gain babee!…Ciao!

DAY 27 [AUG 4] – Day 122 of 150
Distance: 246.43 + 5.50 = 251.93 (LA-OK Run: 803.33)
Cardio (House): 5.50 @ 83.00 min  (Got some road work in today!)
Daily Dares : 50 Bridge Taps
Summary: Wow…not a bad workout day in general, but my freaking back (lower left) is heating up.  Played a prominent part in my workout today.  I had to curtail/change up some of my movements because my back is proving to be my most stubborn challenge since I started workout this year.  I am trying to push through it but it is not giving in.  This did not help being that today was all legs and the squats really challenged.  Which it was uncomfortable, DD went pretty well and the pre’s went well as well. Got workout in before darkness set in. Got to come in no later than 2030.   Added 5.50 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Pushing and shoving!…Ciao!

DAY 26 [AUG 3] – Day 121 of 150
Distance: 240.91 + 5.54 = 246.43 (LA-OK Run: 797.83)
Cardio (House): 5.54 @ 44.25 min  (Got some road work in today!)
Daily Dares : 40 Butt Ups
Summary: Lonely workout today – Chey fell asleep after coming back from Goodwill.  I held the line though.  Today was all back and as I indicated , the last couple days – my back (lower left) has been giving me a warm time. At any rate, push through some down and upward dogs, dolphin kicks, reverse angels and backfists.  No issues with DD – Butt Ups are pretty much in my wheelhouse.  No issues with pre’s – I just got through them pretty fast.  Grid got a bit pissed with me on my walk – went out pretty late.  She is right – walking alone by myself at night is courting disaster.  I will just not do it again – hello treadmill.  Added 5.54 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Cruising to the finish line!…Ciao!

DAY 25 [AUG 2] – Day 120 of 150
Distance: 234.81 + 6.10 = 240.91 (LA-OK Run: 792.31)
Cardio (House): 6.10 @ 79.0 min  (Got some road work in today!)
Daily Dares : 5 Min Punches
Summary: Not a bad workout day today.  All push ups and they were all challenging.  Circle pushups, sliding pushups and cross tricep press up.  While they were probably worthy exercises, I was really leery about them because they put a tremendous amount of strain on the shoulder joints.  I have issues with my left shoulder already, so I maxed out really quickly.  Honestly not my favorite set of all during this period.  No issues with DD and added extra leg lifts, flutter kicks and high knees during pre’s.  Will need to workout earlier tho.  Added 6.17 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Pushing it good!…Ciao!

DAY 24 [AUG 1] – Day 119 of 150
Distance: 228.64 + 6.17 = 234.81 (LA-OK Run: 786.21)
Cardio (House): 6.17 @ 79.0 min  (Too late for road; did in house steps)
Daily Dares : 50 Scorpion Twists
Summary: Unassumingly hard day workout.  Felt relatively good physically – a slight tension in lower left of back as indicated yesterday.  So today was all planking moves (Abs) did a 2min pank and with a rush for Chey went into a 2 min (imin per side) raised leg plank.  Got through the first minute with no issue and in the first 10 sec of raising the second leg, I was burned… ended up doing a bunch of 30 secs to make up, but this was really challenging.  Maybe if my back wasn’t giving me problems it might have been alright; although I am not too sure.  The DD was actually pretty good – it gave my back a good stretch and no issues with the pre’s – although I had to fight Chey on her pushups. Added 6.17 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Pushing it good!…Ciao!

DAY 23 [JULY 31] – Day 118 of 150
Distance: 223.20 + 5.44 = 228.64 (LA-OK Run: 780.04)
Cardio (Road-Treadmill-House): 5.44 @ 91.00 min  (Kind of a blah day…)
Daily Dares : 2min Arm Scissors
Summary: A little sore in the left back area around the waist, but otherwise feeling healthy.  Planned on going out to eat or something but that got pushed because I had to go move Sheynaye’s car and spent quite a bit of time talking with Ms Alfredia.  At any rate it was legs day and even though it is not my favorite, it was aiiight.  Taking it light on the Step competition this week, just looking to meet my 12k minimum.  If I am in striking distance by Saturday I might make a push for it, but I am gonna keep it low key this week.  Starting to get some calluses on my toes, but that’s alright – it is about time to change my shoes anyway.  So I pushed through today’s routine, no issues with DD or pre’s.  Added 5.44 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton; a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers I have been throwing up in recent weeks – days. Got it dun in the sun for fun hun!…Ciao!

DAY 22 [JULY 30] – Day 117 of 150
Distance: 206.86 + 16.34 = 223.20 (LA-OK Run: 774.60)
Cardio (Road-Treadmill-House): 16.34 @ 187.00 min  (No good time, lots of stop and starts)
Daily Dares : 10 Circle Push Ups
Summary: Pretty much the longest workout day.  Covered over 16 miles total in steps today.  Back feels pretty good after yesterday’s episode.  I was able to get through my back workout today with no issues.  As of now, I am having no symptoms of the problem whatsoever.  No issues with the exercises – really worked the shoulders quite a bit.  No issues with pre’s but DD was a beast.  I think I may have strained my back a bit doing the “Archer Slide” and this pushed all those muscles.  Now that I think about it – I do have a slight bit of tension in my upper back/ neck area. Hoping to win the step challenges this week.  I put up close to 198k in a 100k challenge.  I am still waiting for Rachel to clock in.  She is the only one I believe that stand a chance to surpass my number. It will be hard, but she could do it.  Added 16.34 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. For the win babee!…Ciao!

DAY 22*  [JULY29] – Day 116 of 150
Distance: 192.04 + 14.82 = 206.86 (LA-OK Run: 758.26)
Cardio (Road-Treadmill-House): 14.82 @ 116.00 min  (Pretty good mix of all venues)
Daily Dares : 30 Plank Jacks
Summary: Sort of a good workout day.  Felt like I may have strained muscles in upper left side of my back.  Added heat and a couple patches – felt ok so I went for my workout.  As I write this, I feel pretty good.  I still feel a dull tension there, but it is not as sharp as it was this morning.  Quite peculiar – this is time this year that I have pushed through with my workout, even though I am experiencing some pain and so far my body has bounced back and fought off the pain.  At any rate, I since today’s workout was focused on back, I held off and just did my pre’s and the DD – both of which I had no issues with.  On my step competition – it is heating up.  I am maintaining my lead, but my competitors have stopped syncing, but I thinking I might have to go for 40k tomorrow in order to win.  I am going to bed early to push Save & Exit the 40k challenge tomorrow.  Added 14.82 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. I am coming to win!…Ciao!

DAY 21 [JULY28] – Day 115 of 150
Distance: 177.23 + 14.81 = 192.04 (LA-OK Run: 743.44)
Cardio (Road-House): 14.81 @ 87.00 min  (All road today with lots of in house steps)
Daily Dares : 100 Extended Swings
Summary: Good workout.  Step competition is getting hotter and hotter.  Current at the top of the pack, but it swings each day.  I am ahead in that process tho – I hope.  Regarding today’s exercise  – it was shoulders, chest and triceps.  For the exception of L-sits (which I am still struggling  – big time with) it went well.  No issues with the DD and using the pre’s jumping jacks in group of 50s was a blast.  Added 14.81 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. Push it baby!…Ciao!

DAY 20 [JULY27] – Day 114 of 150
Distance: 162.73 + 14.50 = 177.23 (LA-OK Run: 724.63)
Cardio (House): 14.50 @ 97.00 min  (No road today again – all house due to rain)
Daily Dares : 2min Single Leg Hops on the Spot
Summary: Another good workout today.  A bit on the long side, but I feel really good.  Today was all about the Abs.  This has become a strong point for me.  I have done so many situps, crunches, leg lifts etc… that my core has become well tested.  No issues with today’s series.  DD was not too challenging either – it was a bit stressful since I worked legs yesterday, but I was able to power through it.  No issues with pre’s and with Chey pushing me – I must say my workouts are become more on point. Added 14.50 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton. Way to go 40 in a row!…Ciao!

DAY 19 [JULY26] – Day 113 of 150
Distance: 151.73 + 11.00 = 162.73 (LA-OK Run: 714.13)
Cardio (House): 11.00 @ 114.00 min  (No road today again – all house due to rain)
Daily Dares : 50 Get Ups
Summary: Good workout – felt a bit tired, but generally got through the workout without issues.  Today’s focus was on legs.  I know I must do legs, I do them, but they might no be my favorite.  Yet still, without a good set of legs, you look ill-proportioned.  Chey was off again, but slightly on board.  She refuse to push herself – I have to be patient tho.  DD was cool and no issues with pre’s.  Did a whole bunch of steps in the house.  The step competition is heating up – friendly or not.  Added 11.00 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  I am inbound…Ciao!

DAY 18 [JULY25] – Day 112 of 150
Distance: 138.31 + 13.42 = 151.73 (LA-OK Run: 703.13)
Cardio (Road): 13.42 @ 0.00 min  (No road today)
Daily Dares : 60 Sec Basic Burpees w/ Jump
Summary: Pretty good workout today.  Chey was slightly back, making for a little better workout.  Today’s exercise was back and biceps.  I felt pretty good generally about the exercise, but I don’t feel as if it hit the biceps as much as I would have expected it.  Then again the series calls for a pull/chin up but since I am not using that, I maybe short changing myself.  I think once I complete all DareBee I will be doing some of these back over.  Can’t say the DD was not an issue today – burpees (simply or regular) are among some of the most challenging exercises for me.  I push through them anyway.  I did only 15, because I think mentally I was holding back in anticipation of my regular series.  With Chey, even my stretch-warmup-pre’s are becoming a friggin’ workout in itself.  In general tho, had no issue.  Added 13.42 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Keep leaning forward…Ciao!

DAY 17 [JULY24] – Day 111 of 150
Distance: 130.52 + 7.79 = 138.31 (LA-OK Run: 689.71)
Cardio (Road): 7.79 @ 90.00 min  (No road today)
Daily Dares : 60 Knee Rolls
Summary: Good workout but I did not get a chance to do any road work but I was able to get my steps in.  Today’s exercise was all upperbody – shoulders, chest and triceps.  Felt a bit depleted today still. Chey was off today; got a bit of an attitude. DD was pretty easy and no issues with pre’s.  Added 7.79 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Keep pushing…Ciao!

DAY 16 [JULY23] – Day 110 of 150
Distance: 120.42 + 10.10 = 130.52 (LA-OK Run: 681.92)
Cardio (Road): 10.10 @ 92.00 min  (All road and steps today)
Daily Dares : 30 Raised Leg Crunches
Summary: Another good workout day.  My energies are almost totally depleted.  First, went to bed late after watching a movie with the female unit and then stayed up with DM with pretty much no sleep.  Today’s workout focused on Abs and the little Flurbina did not let up – well, she must have been a bit preoccupied because she wasn’t as bad as some days.  The workout was challenging, but I had no serious problems with it – except for the last 2.  Chey started cutting into my breaks which messed up my recovery times some.  No issues with pre’s and with nice core action going on – not much of a problem with DD.   Currently in 5th place out of 15 in this week’s Step Competition.  This is a whole new caliber, so I will have to step up my game to compete with these folks here.  I don’t feel bad tho.  After winning my group last week by 120k, the 4th place person in this group is well above that level.  The competition is much stiffer here.  Added 10.10 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Taking it to the next level…Ciao!

DAY 15 [JULY22] – Day 109 of 150
Distance: 107.72 + 12.70 = 120.42 (LA-OK Run: 671.82)
Cardio (Road): 12.70 @ 93.00 min  (Road walk 1/2 but walk-stepped through out the day)
Daily Dares : 2min Back Arch Balance Hold 
Summary: Pretty good workout today.  Back in the game with Chey.  She was a beast today.  Today program was focused on legs.  In general I would probably say it was pretty easy.  I have done a lot of squats so I can probably do about 60 or so squats before starting to slow down.  Did a round 200 squats today.  No issues with pre’s and DD was pretty cool.  Generally it would be a tough yoga move, but it was really awesome hold.  Today, I pretty much did steps all day – sort of.  Instead of just sitting at my desk and read – I played my reading and did steps as I listened.  I think I will be building this into my daily routine.  By the time I went for your workout, I had already met my daily quota.  As I write this I am close to 27k steps.  That is very close to 13mi.  I still have 30 mins to go before cutoff for the day, so I will try to add another 1500 steps in that time.  So I added a total of 12.70 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Taking it to the next level…Ciao!

DAY 14 [JULY21] – Day 108 of 150
Distance: 100.42 + 7.30 = 107.72 (LA-OK Run: 659.12)
Cardio (Treadmill): 7.30 @ 60.00 min  (Good run-walk on the treadmill)
Daily Dares : 100 Side-to-Side Chops
Summary: Felt really good today.  No Chey, but I held the line; pretty much kept my timing.  The focus today was all back.  I wished I had a good pull up bar, but I am not missing it because I have to watch my left shoulder.  It has been a source of pain over my lifetime and I have managed to stay relatively injury free thus far.  DD was pretty easy and pre’s were no issues.  Added 7.30 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  The race is not for the quick but the patient…Ciao!

DAY 13 [JULY20] – Day 107 of 150
Distance: 92.73 + 7.69 = 100.42 (LA-OK Run: 651.82)
Cardio (Mixed): 7.69 @ 102.00 min  (Another good run walk between road and treadmill again)
Daily Dares : 30 Up and Down Planks
Summary: Good workout – pretty tough program today.  L-sits kick my butt.  Other than that.  Nice long walk; doing quite well with my step challenge.  No issues with pre’s.  Push through the DD – Down-Ups always kills my elbows.  And added 7.69 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.   I am bit achy but I am getting it done…son!…Ciao!

DAY 12 [JULY19] – Day 106 of 150
Distance: 84.20 +  8.53 = 92.73 (LA-OK Run: 644.13)
Cardio (Mixed): 8.53 @ 114.00 min  (Good run walk between road and treadmill again)
Daily Dares : 20 Push + Jab + Cross 
Summary: Pretty good workout again.  Chey was at it in full force pushing, taunting, doing whatevering,  Today was all Abs again and a whole bunch of V-ups no less.  Pushed through it though with some degree of quivering honestly.  DD was pretty intense today too, but I push through it without issue.  No issues with pre’s and added a total of 8.53 mi  to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Hey listen can you here me coming?!…Ciao!

DAY 11 [JULY18] – Day 105 of 150
Distance: 77.59 +  6.61 = 84.20 (LA-OK Run: 635.60)
Cardio (Mixed): 6.61 @ 93.00 min  (Good run walk between road and treadmill)
Daily Dares : 20 V-Ups 
Summary: Good workout today.  I am tempted to get outside of my rest week and push into competition mode, but I must be patient.  Just lay back – there will always be next week to take on these rebels.  Today was all leg under the program.  I was challenged – not the toughest, but it was tough nontheless.  DD was touch V-up and I looked – tomorrow is gonna be 5x that amount. It is gonna be brutal.  No issues with pre’s – Chey is starting to make it a bit more challenging by added her taunts, but I am ok with that.  Added  6.61 mi  to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Keep pumping babee!…Ciao!

DAY 10 [JULY17] – Day 104 of 150
Distance: 71.49 +  06.10 = 77.59 (LA-OK Run: 628.99)
Cardio (Mixed): 6.10 @ 79.00 min  (Good renewal run-walk)
Daily Dares : 60 Sec Half Bows 
Summary: Pretty comfortable workout.  Joined new group of stepper – these folks are monsters.  27k in one day dam.  Don’t think I ever got up to that level ever.  At any rate, I am pushing for a top 5 finish and then see when to go for the throne.  Today was relatively good. Plank Extensions were pretty challenging, but otherwise doable.  DD was pretty good and no issues with pre’s.  Added 6.10 mi  to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Keep moving…keep moving!…Ciao!

DAY 9 [JULY16] – Day 103 of 150
Distance: 60.29 +  11.20 = 71.49 (LA-OK Run: 622.89)
Cardio (Mixed): 11.20 @ 114.00 min  (Long walk)
Daily Dares : 50 Front Kicks 
Summary: Probably one of the most grueling low intensity workout  I have done in a long time.  My leg muscles are screaming out.  I had to take a soak to take the edge off the legs.  I will have to go easy this coming week to recover a bit.  At any rate, today’s main workout was all about upperbody and back.  – 3 point pushup was no joke.  DD was probably a bit off, but was only challenging because my legs are killing me.  No issues with pre’s and Chey is not letting up with her taunts.  Added a whopping 11.20 mi for the first time in one day since I started this journey to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  I will never give up I will win!…Ciao!

DAY 8 [JULY15] – Day 102 of 150
Distance: 53.38  + 6.91 = 60.29 (LA-OK Run: 611.69)
Cardio (Mixed): 6.91 @ 105.00 min  (Long walk)
Daily Dares : 2 min Chest Squeeze 
Summary: Good workout.  Cheyenne is really having fun watching me grimace.  She mock me and calls me name as I push through the exercises, but it is really fun having her out there with me.  Today was all abs.  I have worked on my core so much that I rarely get stressed in exercises of them.  At any rate, it was great to have kind of an off day.  No issues with the DD – it was pretty easy and the pre’s make the workout a bit more challenging since I had to work the same areas twice.  Long walk (10x around) for the run-walk portion.  Added 6.91 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  I will win, I will fight!…Ciao!

DAY 7 [JULY14] – Day 101 of 150
Distance: 45.28 +8.10 = 53.38 (LA-OK Run: 604.78)
Cardio (Mixed): 8.10 @ 120.00 min  (Good mix between road and treadmill)
Daily Dares : 40 Reverse Plank Kicks 
Summary: Workout by myself today but sure enough Cheyenne was there to torment me.  It was all about the legs and my legs are still humming as I write this entry with the little man in my hand.  No issues with pre’s.  This was the first time doing the  DD but it was enjoyable.  Trying to win the step game second week in a row but it appears I am getting a run for the throne my Lindsay – I am loving it.  Added a pretty nice 8.1 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Not gonna give it up!…Ciao!

DAY 6 [JULY13] – Day 100 of 100
Distance: 38.28 + 7.00 = 45.28 (LA-OK Run: 596.68)
Cardio (Mixed): 7.00 @ 82.00 min  (4 times around and time on the treadmill)
Daily Dares : 2min Raised Leg Hold 
Summary: Horrray! 100 days in a row.  Good workout today to cap off 100 days in a row working out.  Have a bit of an issue with my upper back on the left side; thought I was not gonna workout given the pain, but I pushed through it and got it done.  It was all back – pushed through it.  No issues with DD or pre’s and added 7.0 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Just pushing it envelope!…Ciao!

DAY 5 [JULY12] – Day 99 of 100
Distance: 29.87 + 8.41 = 38.28 (LA-OK Run: 589.68)
Cardio (Mixed): 8.41 @  107.00 min  (3 mi on the Treadmill and approx 8x around)
Daily Dares : 2min Leg Extensions 
Summary: Oh boy, Chey had me humming today boy.  Keeping a strict transition between exercise, I was really pushed to complete this strictly according to the program – no interim breaks.  Lot of pushing up and it did not help that I had my pre’s push up befor too.  At any rate, complete program requirement, no issues with pre’s and DD, which I incorporated as a squat substitute from my pre’s and add 8.41mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  I just luv ma’sef!…Ciao!

DAY 4 [JULY11] – Day 98 of 100
Distance: 23.90 + 5.97 = 29.87 (LA-OK Run: 581.27)
Cardio (Mixed): 5.97 @  91.00 min  (Long walk including the out loop – Carlotta)
Daily Dares : 60 Lunges 
Summary: This is really starting to piss me off with my entries.  I enter them and am pretty sure that it is saved – only to come back and find that it is no longer there.  Anyway – I am writing this on the 12th (next day) as I prepare to write my 12th entry.  The workout was pretty intense – it was all about abs.  DD was relatively easy, as my fitness level is pretty good.  No issues with the pre’s and added 5.97 mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  And still Lovin’ it!…Ciao!

DAY 3 [JUL10] – Day 97 of 100
Distance: 17.30 + 6.60 = 23.90 (LA-OK Run: 575.30)
Cardio (Road): 6.60 @ 100.00 min  (10.25 times around the block.)
Daily Dares : 12 Archer Pushups 
Summary: Getting into the groove of Strength Protocol. It really pushes your muscles to the max.  Today was lots of squats, mountain climbers and bridges.  No issues with pre’s and the DD was a breeze – I really enjoy pushups.  I think by the end of this series I will be attempting the 100 pushup challenge.  Added 6.60mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  Lovin’ it!…Ciao!

DAY 2 [JUL0X] – Day 96 of 100
Distance: 8.50 + 8.80 = 17.30 (LA-OK Run: 568.70)
Cardio (Mixed): 8.80 @ 120.00 min  (Long walk: University-Merrill-Arlington Expwy.)
Daily Dares : 4 min Side Elbow Plan Hold 
Summary: Okay, so this  is all about calisthenics.  Today the program was all about back.  Scapula Shrugs, Downward/Upward Dogs, Reverse Angels and Backfist.  I can say with some level of surety, I have never done the shrug and maybe the reverse angels.  At any rate, it was a good workout.  I felt like I was pushing my muscles to the max.  I have had this in a long while.  No issues with pre’s, still working with Chey on these.  Will do the DD tomorrow since it is too late to incorporate them.  Put in 8.80 mi on my way to OKC via Benton.  Keep pushing!…Ciao!

DAY 1 [JUL08] – Day 95 of 100
Distance: 0.0 + 8.50 = 8.50 (LA-OK Run: 559.90)
Cardio (Mixed): 8.50 @ 21.09 min  (Mostly done with volunteering.)
Daily Dares : 30 sec Star Plank 
Summary: Oh yeah – starting a new journey and feeling good about it.  For the first time I focused on muscle fatigue and it was really quite the thing.  This exercise was purely upperbody. Lots of push ups and tricep work.  I think I will be liking this program.  DD was relatively easy, after the last two programs, no worries.  No issues with pre’s, upped it to 35 – still thinking I might want to go even and make it 36.  Added a pretty high 8.5mi to my total on my way to OKC via Benton.  The push is feeling so good!…Ciao!