Retrospective Log:  

May 1-30, 2024: I am now 2554 Days (approximately: 5 Years, 8 Month, 0 Weeks – LINK) and still maintaining my workout streak.

As I write this on  June 1 , I am struggling to maintain this log, so I am going to truncate much of it at this point.  Over the last month, I have just been focusing on fitness at home with me and the female unit.  The only other areas of much doing is with our properties and so that’s that.

    **Injuries/Aches:  Body continues to do well just a bit of an issue with right shoulder.  It comes and goes, so I just have to watch it. The ache in the abdomen has receded some, I am supposed to go in and see my internist tomorrow (3June), so I hope to get that addressed.

    **Routine: Not much change in this area, but working with the female now means that I have to fold her in.

   **Tracked Metrics:  I am pretty excited about hitting all my metric this month as well, except for sleeping.  I was close, not on target. 

    **Supplements: No change here: 2x Berberine with meals, Psyllium Husk (fiber), Fish Oil, multi-vitamins, B-complex and Magnesium.

   **Diet: Not much change here.  I know I need to get more protein and so that is one thing that I am focused on.  My bodyfat dropped to 15%, so I know that I need to pay more attention to my diet, so I don’t go into muscles.  I have also added cycling to my regiment, so upping the cardio means being careful about staying in zone 2.  The struggle is that Zone without HIIT won’t really push up my VO2 Max.  I am threading the needle or at least I am trying to. (From a previous entry: The big focus this year is on A1c, prostate health and muscle gain and weight maintenance).

  **Spanish:  My streak on Duolingo (664 Day) 9AUG2022 and Drops (434 Days).  I have been slipping back in recent weeks to using Duo as a game, so my intention this month is to complete at least 2 sections.  I am 19 sections from the completion of Level 4 and I badly want to finish level 4 before my 2 year anniversary on 9AUG2024.  I also will be going to ChatGPT for additional tutoring support, as so far it has proven to be quite capable.   

    **Reading:   I still have not gotten this back on par.  My intent this month in the coming month is to set aside at least 30min each day in my reading chair.


Markets has been on the up in recent months.  I have not put anything here is some time, so this is somewhat of a summary of things.

US: Trump is a convicted felon.
World: Israel-Hamas situation continues; Israel continue to press the offensive.
World 2: Ukraine-Russia war continue – stalemate continues.



Chey –  Is completing her time for this year at City-Year and will be going back next.  She intends to work and do school over the summer.
Marcus – Can’t seem to catch up with him.  He has been busy, but I am afraid the transition into real world might be a bit of a struggle.
Grid – We are through 7 weeks of a 12 week program and so far she has lost roughly 8lbs.  That puts her ahead of schedule, but much to do.



Still have not missed a day of Daily Dare – yup; not a one.

(Kept from previous foreword) – Additionally, I have added a couple layers of complexity or demand to my workout.  First, I am religiously sticking to DareBee and the Daily Dare; I am also, keeping the preliminaries.  Second, I have added a consecutive component – so, starting with the end of IronBorn (9 April 2017), I have worked consecutively.  I intend to push for 60 straight day, then see if I can get to 90.  So far I am enjoying it and my body seems to be rising to the occasion.  I caught the flu a few day before the end of the last phase (around May 2017) – I worked through it and was back up in only a couple of days.  It appears pushing through and forcing my body to continue working, I was able to push the flu out of my way.  I am also continuing my virtual push to OKC via Benton.  I am really enjoying that but I will have to pick up the mileage here in the next phase as I am running out of time. Keep leaning forward.



DAY 31 (31 MAY) – Day 2548 of 4000
Summary: All around great 10@220 lift day. The female unit was not feeling that strong today, but she did push through it. Appreciated!
Distance: 09.40 (This month: 267.50 | (Total miles: 21,0153.35)  
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:07 | (Cycling): 00.30.01@08.43mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 465/2437: 30 Seconds Raised Leg Plank Holds  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-433/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 30 (30 MAY) – Day 2547 of 4000
Summary: All around good workout day.  I had a pretty strong 1 hour ride for the first time in a very long time and it was awesome.
Distance: 9.10 (This month: 258.50 | (Total miles: 21,0143.95)  
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:05  | (Cycling): 01:00.01@16.64mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 464/2436: 50 Side Bends  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-432/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 29 (29 MAY) – Day 2546 of 4000
Summary: Good pre-workout warm up with our Dailies today.  We had a really good Flex-session.  3 taxing movements and got it done.
Distance: 7.40 (This month: 249.40 | (Total miles: 21,0134.85) 
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:11  | (Cycling): 30.01@8.25mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Flex-Hybrid Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 463/2435: 15 Sky Diver Pushups  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-431/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 28 (28 MAY) – Day 2545 of 4000
Summary: Good all around day.  Not much in way of physical effort, less than my walk this morning, but a ride or run ahead of me.
Distance: 7.70 (This month: 242.00 | (Total miles: 21,0127.45)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:09 |  (Cycling): 30.01@8.47mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 462/2434: 30 Prone Reverse Flys  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-430/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 27 (27 MAY) – Day 2544 of 4000
Summary: Not a bad all around workout, but we only managed to get about 70% of our workout in at PF.  Now worries we have time.
Distance: 6.50 (This month: 234.30 | (Total miles: 21,0119.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 4:18 |  (Cycling): 30.01@8.50mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Upper Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 461/2433: 40 Balanced Side Lunges  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-429/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 26 (26 MAY) – Day 2543 of 4000
Summary: All around good active rest day.  I took two walks.  The first was painfully hot, but the second was much cooler and chill.
Distance: 9.50 (This month: 227.80 | (Total miles: 21,0113.25)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:14; 2:07
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 460/2432: 50 Back Leg Raises  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-428/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 25 (25 MAY) – Day 2542 of 4000
Summary: Pretty laid bad day today.  I am feeling pretty ok. It is now 16:58 and I am gonna head out to get a 60 minute ride in for the first.
Distance: 7.70 (This month: 218.30 | (Total miles: 21,0103.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:19  | (Cycling): 45.05@13.6mi
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 459/2431: 40 Staggered Deadlifts  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-427/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 24 (24 MAY) – Day 2541 of 4000
Summary: It is now 09:40 and so far I am feel good.  Today is Chey’s B-Day and we have to workout and go downtown.
Distance: 7.40 (This month: 210.90 | (Total miles: 21,096.35)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:06
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Hybrid Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 458/2430: 40 Climber Taps  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-426/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 23 (23 MAY) – Day 2540 of 4000
Summary: Got some of what I wanted to do today.  It is now01:29 and I am still here.  I will be sleeping in to get caught up.
Distance: 8.70 (This month: 203.50 | (Total miles: 21,088.95)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:14 | 30 min (Bike)
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 457/2429: 60 Seconds Shoulders Taps  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-425/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 22 (22 MAY) – Day 2539 of 4000
Summary: Good all around workout.  Right shoulder is giving me a bit of pain so I have to watch that.
Distance: 11.80 (This month: 194.80 | (Total miles: 21,080.25)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:06 | 30 min (Bike)
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Hybrid Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 456/2428: 30 Knee-to-Elbows  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-424/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 21 (21 MAY) – Day 2538 of 4000
Summary: Relatively good workout today.  I did not get a run in, but I had a couple of walk and hope to start cycling tomorrow as well.
Distance: 7.70 (This month: 183.00 | (Total miles: 21,068.45)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 3:65
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 455/2427: 20 Jump Lunges  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-423/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 20 (20 MAY) – Day 2537 of 4000
Summary: All around good workout day.  It was short and spicy.  I feel as though I got a tough heavy workout, so it was worthwhile.
Distance: 8.00 (This month: 175.30 | (Total miles: 21,060.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.11 | (Walk): 2:07
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Hybrid Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 454/2426: 30 Seconds Boat Pose Hold  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-422/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 19 (19 MAY) – Day 2536 of 4000
Summary: All around good day.  There’s been a couple of days that I have missed my run, but I need to really get still back smooth.
Distance: 11.00 (This month: 167.30 | (Total miles: 21,052.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 3:63
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Fasting: 16+) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 453/2425: 30 Seconds Elbow Clicks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-421/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 18 (18 MAY) – Day 2535 of 4000
Summary: Pretty intense lower body workout.  I left my neck pad, so it was hard to go twice on my 195 load.  No worries; still intense.
Distance: 8.00 (This month: 156.30 | (Total miles: 21,041.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 4:00
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 452/2424: 30 Squats  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-420/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 17 (17 MAY) – Day 2534 of 4000
Summary: Good workout day today.  Nice to have Aunt B. and Cheryl.  I only had to drop one set on my lift to save my right shoulder.
Distance: 7.80 (This month: 148.30 | (Total miles: 21,033.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.02 | (Walk): 2:07
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Upper Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 451/2423: 60 Seconds Backfists Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-419/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 16 (16 MAY) – Day 2533 of 4000
Summary: Overall good rest day spent with Aunt B and Cheryl.  Just hung out and chatted.
Distance: 6.90 (This month: 140.50 | (Total miles: 21,025.95)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:15
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 450/2422: 60 Second Jumping Jacks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-418/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 15 (15 MAY) – Day 2532 of 4000
Summary: It is now 11:34 and I haven’t walked yet.  Will be heading to the gym soon and then get walk in later in an overcast day.
Distance: 11.70 (This month: 133.60 | (Total miles: 21,019.05)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 2:06
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 449/2421: 20 Burpees  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-417/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 14 (14 MAY) – Day 2531 of 4000
Summary: Relatively laid back day.  Got my walk and workout in early and just chilled.  Nothing done outside at all.
Distance: 5.50 (This month: 121.90 | (Total miles: 21,007.35)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:05
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 448/2420: 50 Knee Strikes  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-416/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 13 (13 MAY) – Day 2530 of 4000
Summary: Really good workout today.  I am getting up to the 200lbs bench marker and I am still healthy.  I also got some HIIT in.  Good!
Distance: 7.40 (This month: 116.40 | (Total miles: 22,001.85)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.01 | (Walk): 2:17
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Upper Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 447/2419: 60 Second Side Jacks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-415/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 12 (12 MAY) – Day 2529 of 4000
Summary: Pretty ok walk this morning.  Today I have a 3mi to do on a fast.  I have to watch my muscle loss, so I will be on top of that.
Distance: 10.30 (This month: 109.00 | (Total miles: 21,994.45)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 0.00 | (Walk): 5:91
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 446/2418:  60 Second Raised Arms Hold  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-414/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 11 (11 MAY) – Day 2528 of 4000
Summary: Pretty ok day.  It is now 15:03 and I am a bit concerned that we have not hit the gym yet, but that’s ok.  We will be fine.
Distance: 11.80 (This month: 98.70 | (Total miles: 21,984.15)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 1.00 | (Walk): 2:75
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 445/2417: 30 Second Single Leg Hops  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-413/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 10 (10 MAY) – Day 2527 of 4000
Summary: Relative good day.  It is now 13:20 and we are going to head over for a life in about 40 minutes.  I will be done after my lift. 
Distance: 12.60 (This month: 86.90 | (Total miles: 21,972.35)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 1:82
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Chk!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 444/2416: 30 Crunch Kicks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-412/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 9 (9 MAY) – Day 2526 of 4000
Summary: Relatively restful day.  Got up did my walk and some work out front, then I decided to hit the back.  The back tapped me out.
Distance: 9.40 (This month: 74.30 | (Total miles: 21,959.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 1.01 | (Walk): 2:07
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 443/2415: 40 W-Extensions  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-411/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!

 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————DAY 8 (8 MAY) – Day 2525 of 4000
Summary: Good all around day.  I felt pretty weak today, but I was able to get through all my evolutions without issues.  Bring rest on.
Distance: 7.60 (This month: 64.90 | (Total miles: 21,950.35)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.03 | (Walk): 2:06
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 442/2414: 20 Hop Heel Clicks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-410/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 7 (7 MAY) – Day 2524 of 4000
Summary: Relatively quiet day.  I got up pretty early, due to lack of sleep.  I went on my earliest walk in a very long time.  Feeling good!
Distance: 10.10 (This month: 57.30 | (Total miles: 21,942.75)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:09 | Jump Rope (10:05mins)
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Fasting: 16+H) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 441/2413: 40 Side Kicks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-409/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 6 (6 MAY) – Day 2523 of 4000
Summary: Good morning so far.  I have knocked out my morning items.  I am gonna go for a late walk, go lift and then run.
Distance: 8.70 (This month: 47.20 | (Total miles: 21,932.65)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:00
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Upper Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 440/2412: 40 Clamshells  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-408/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 5 (5 MAY) – Day 2522 of 4000
Summary: Pretty good day.  Just got back from Tampa (Omari’s graduation).  Gonna head out now for walk, get back run and that’s it!
Distance: 7.60 (This month: 38.50 | (Total miles: 21,923.95)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 2:00
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 439/2411: 30 Calf Raises  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Checck!
Conscious Eating III-407/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 4 (4 MAY) – Day 2521 of 4000
Summary: Pretty good day.  This week was a transition week for all of us.  We are almost at mid-point.  We see changes / then I be friend.
Distance: 7.50 (This month: 30.90 | (Total miles: 21,916.35)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.01 | (Walk): 2:51
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 438/2410: 40 Alt Arm – Leg Raises  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-406/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 3 (3 MAY) – Day 2520 of 4000
Summary: Not a bad day so far.  Got my walk in; now heading to Mayport and then to the gym and back home.
Distance: 8.40 (This month: 23.40 | (Total miles: 21,908.85)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.12 | (Walk): 2:05
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Upper Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 437/2409: 30 Leg Raises  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-405/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 2 (2 MAY) – Day 2519 of 4000
Summary: Good day so far.  I completed all my physical requirements by 12:54 and getting ready for meeting with Grid.
Distance: 8.40 (This month: 15.00 | (Total miles: 21,900.45)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.01 | (Walk): 2:12
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Active Rest (Non-Fasting) Day Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 436/2408: 60 Second Superman Stretch Hold   Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-404/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!


DAY 1 (1 MAY) – Day 2518 of 4000
Summary: I did not get a walk in today and I am not too happy about it but – next.  Relatively good workout day.  Feeling fit.
Distance: 6.60 (This month: 6.60 | (Total miles: 21,892.05)
Cardio (Row): (Treadmill Run): 2.00 | (Walk): 0:00
Exercise-1: Strength Training – Lower Body Check!
Exercise-2: Baseline + (DareBee EOD) – 435/2407: 60 Seconds Jumping Jacks  Check!
Exercise-3: Neck and Base Routine – Check!
Conscious Eating III-403/450: limited carbs; very limited sugar (Entered in MFP) – Chk!