Pushed legs today for the first time in a long while. I think I will be hurting a bit over the next few days; will have to take lots of motrin.
Workout: Day 7 (T26/Lower Body) – 60mins
Legs and ABS (1min rest)
Squats: 2x10reps 1->fail: 180,180,180(45′s+45’s)
Dbells Squats: 2x12reps, 1->fail: 65,65,65
HackSquats: 3x12reps, 1->fail: 180,180,180@12
Extensions: 3x12reps, 1->fail: 25s@152
Leg Curls: 2 sets of 12 reps, 1 set to failure: 95,95,95
Straight Leg Lifts: 3×12 @ 45s
Str. Leg Dbells Deadlifts: 2x12reps, 1->fail: 65,65,65
Sitting Calf Presses: 2×25 1->fail: 95,95,
Lying Calf Press: 2×25 1->fail: 180,180,180@25
Lying Crunches: 150
Reverse Leg crunches: 50
Side Obliques: 100 (50 each side)
Elliptical: 20 min
Distance: 1.6 miles
Calories: 500 est
Total Distance: 27.35 miles (Goal 250/222.65 remain) *
Total Calories: 4,428 (Goal 50,000/45,572 remain) *
Total Pushups: 335 (Goal 10,000 / 9,665)
Weight: 177.6
Body Fat: xx% (Excellent 17.5-20.5%) – use chart to figure out.
Circumference value has to be <20 inches.
Good livin’…keep movin’!