Started a new workout regiment today. Not too far from what I have been doing, but now I am incorporating Military Press, Incline Press for the first time in a very long time. With this new regiment, I will be lifting 4 times a week with cardio pretty much everyday and one day focused cardio. No plans now to do much on the weekend but rest.

Workout: Day 11 (M2/Upper Body I) – 43mins/1min rest
Bench press 1×12,10,10 (50,60,60)
Incline press 1×12,10,10 (30,35,35)
Military press 1×12,10,10 (25,30,30)
Side-raise 3×12 (15,15,15)
Tricep ext 3×12 (20,20,20)
Push Down 3×12 (110,110,110)
Cardio: 30mins
Distance: 0
Pushups: 25 (at least 50 per day)
Calories: 180

Total Distance: 36.03 miles (Goal 250/213.97 remain) *
Total Calories: 5,910 (Goal 50,000/44,090 remain) *
Total Pushups: 560 (Goal 10,000 / 9,440)

Good livin’…keep movin’!