Good workout on my legs. Honestly didn’t get a great a burn as I am used to…felt a bit lackluster today. Left knee also hinted at a bit of a problem when I was doing some seated leg extensions for hamstring, so I held off since I had done a few exercises already to target that area.

Workout: Day 14 (Th5/Lower Body) – 60mins/1min rest
Hack Squat 1×12,10,10 (180,270,270)
Squats 1×12,10,10 (2x45s, 2x55s) – Alternate
Lunges 3×12 (30,30,30)
DB Stiff-Legged Dead lift 1×12,10,10 (20,30,30)
Lying Leg Curl 3×12 (35s,35s,30s)
Calf-raise 3×12 (1x45plate, 2×55)
Hack Squat Calf Press 3×25 (270)
Cardio: 15mins
Distance: 1.2
Pushups: 50 

Total Distance: 43.38 miles (Goal 250/206.62 remain) *
Total Calories: 8,169 (Goal 50,000/41,831 remain) *
Total Pushups: 710 (Goal 10,000 / 9,290)

Good livin’…keep movin’!