I think the title might be a good one for one of the books that I will eventually write….so don’t go stealing it. Just kidding, be my guest. Anyway, a few random thought thougths on some of religion, churches, pastors, etc.

On going to Church:
Personally, after a long, tiresome week, the last thing I want to do is go hangout amongst a group of double-faced people, chit-chatting with them in their Sunday-best, exchanging tired grins and fake-ass smiles. Personally, I would rather curl up to my computer, go for a long run or a bike ride, spend the time with my bighead kids or just plain do something meaningless

Now, it is not that I don’t believe church is important, because it does have its place in society (catch the evasive approach – I really hate hearing people use the words ….blah…blah…blah has its place in society”….it sounds so damn pretention and dumb….but I am making a point…just wanted to clear that up), but I think we have to make a distinction between religion and going to church. I think both can be mutually exclusive, which goes against generally accepted dogma – ma moms would probably fall over dead if she see this.

There are several factors in our society (there goes that friggin’ society again….anyway) that puts me off from church and if you are reading this and want to contest them then I will destroy you….just kidding, be my guest. I will put forward 2 factors:
– 1. Most people see church as a place to go to feel good for one day and then they go home and carry on with the same vicious-wicked-ass-crap they did before their visit. Very few meaningful changes in my estimation takes place in many of them. A big factor is the affulence in our society. Folks are looking for prestige not God. If you want to practice religion go to a quiet place and talk to the God, that’s my spin
– 2. This follows from the first. Since churches in our society are, and have always been an instrument of power and prestige, a great number of the folks drawn to them go for the same. Now, one has to draw a distinction between the “old established churches” – you know – the Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic. Those large ungodly rich churches operate on a similar principle, but slightly different dynamic (I will save that for another topic) than the new modern day “popups” – you know – the “Church of God in Christ’s Holy Spirit” or “The Holy Tabernacle of the Lord Jehovah in Faith Temple” (by the way, what’ s with these weird ass names). How many times have I seen this played out in many churches that I have visited/worshipped at – some 40-50 something insanely pious dude, filching his poorly led congregation out of every red cent they have. They invariably have the best of everything, while their congregants are friggin’ suffering.

okay, I have gone on two long on this, but just wanted to give a bit of perspective on religion….certainly more to come in this area. Comment or share if you want…you don’t have to tho.

I will most likely come back to this again…