One of the better leg workout that I have had in a long time. I think I got through most of the workout without much issue, although I started to tire at the end. I had an ok breakfast and that I believe did help.
Workout: Day 50 (M18/Lower Body) – 61mins/1min rest
Hack Squat 3×12 @ 360
Smith’s Squat 3×12 @ 150,160,180
Stiff-Legged Dead lift 3×12 @ 150,16,180
Seated Leg Extension 3×15 @ 135,150,135
Hamstring curl – 3×12,10,10@90,100,100lbs
Seated Calf-raise 4×15 @Â 90 (2×45’s)
Cardio: 20 mins
Distance: 2.0
Pushups: 0 (at least 50 per day)
Calories: 800
Total Distance: 134.00 miles (Goal 250/116.00 remain) *
Total Calories: 34,791 (Goal 50,000/15,209 remain) *
Total Pushups: 1,755 (Goal 10,000 / 8,245)
Good livin’…keep movin’!