We know you mean well when you tell a fat friend or family member to stay away from the Oreos and Fritos, but new Yale University research suggests that the advice could backfire and lead to more weight gain.

After overweight women watched a stigmatizing video, they consumed three times as many calories as those who watched a neutral video. Researchers expect the same would happen to men.

“Using food to cope is common strategy for people who face weight stigma from multiple sources—whether it be from TV shows, coworkers, or family members,” says lead study author Natasha Schvey, M.S., graduate student at Yale University.

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Source: Men’s Health 

My Comments:
Give me a friggin’ break already…are you freakin’ kiddin’ me?!!  Alright, don’t get me wrong or think Iam going out of my way on some insensitive rant here (well…maybe a little bit), but the last thing that anyone should blame someone else for, is the expansion of their a@@  and gut due to over gorging themselves and not working out or at least taking responsibility for it.  Like I have said in previous posts, I do understand that there might be genetic and/or medical reasons for fatness, but it is all too often used, and I make no apologies for this, as a friggin’ crutch.  Most, and I emphasize the word “MOST”, obese or overweight people do little to no physical activity – that is a FACT; it doesn’t matter whether the chicken came before the egg or not, the bottom line is – if you are fat and you eat like a horse but don’t move like one, then my friend expect to grow the girth.

And lastly to my fellow American brothers and sisters – and I mean that literally – WTF???!  

According to the Office of Minority Health – roughly 3 out of  every 4 black male are overweight to obese; and not to be outdone, 4 out of every 5 sisters are in the same condition… we are killing ourselves yo…stop it!  

Why am I so worked up over this…?  I have done the freaking experiment personally and it is alarming true.  Think am kidding…? the next time you are in a public place – mall, movie theater, Burger King, whatever!…count for yourself.  I guarantee it; you will not be surprised.