A woman was beheaded in Saudi Arabia for practicing witchcraft and sorcery, the kingdom’s Interior Ministry said, prompting Amnesty International to call for a halt in executions there.

Amina bint Abdel Halim Nassar was executed Monday for having “committed the practice of witchcraft and sorcery,” according to an Interior Ministry statement. Nassar was investigated before her arrest and was “convicted of what she was accused of based on the law,” the statement said. Her beheading took place in the Qariyat province of the region of Al-Jawf, the ministry said. Click source link below to continue reading…

Source: CNN

My Comments:
I rarely make negative comments about religion in specifics, but sometimes I just cannot help myself.  This is such a dark and ass-backwards act. It is actions such as these that cement in my mind the absolute absurdity of some religious values. How can one be so certain about his faith that he would take the life of some one else in serving that end. It makes no friggin’ sense whatsoever…no sense.  Wherever she goes beyond this earth, won’t be too far from these clowns.