It’s face-off time: body-weight versus weighted exercises. Which one will help you lose weight faster? Without a doubt, anyone who’s beginning their weight-loss journey wants to know which is the more »

It’s face-off time: body-weight versus weighted exercises. Which one will help you lose weight faster?

Without a doubt, anyone who’s beginning their weight-loss journey wants to know which is the fastest method to reach his or her goals and maintain the slim down into the future.

You may have heard that strength training is a great route to go but are now feeling confused. Must you use weight? Or are body-weight exercises a better choice?

Let’s look at some key things to consider as you make this decision for yourself:

Source: Which Helps You Lose Weight Faster: Body-Weight or Weighted Exercise?
My Comments: I have been using mainly body-weight lately, but I have began to add in a bit of weights for the arms.