The press is somewhat baffled as to why Americans are so angry this year.  The stock market seems to be doing fine (too bad most Americans don’t own stock).  Jobs are being added (too bad most jobs are in the low wage service sector).  Housing values are up (too bad the homeownership rate is

Source: 9 charts showing Americans never recovered from the…

My Comments: Really illuminating data that zones in on some of the issues that might be driving the “so called” anger problem in America today.  The ironic part here is that black and brown folks are unquestionable affected disproportionately, but we don’t hear about the “Black and Brown Anger”.  The other issue I have is how gullible the white underclass (poor and working class) is in believing that the problem is really with the current Obama administration.  If anything, look at the total and absolute ineptitude across all three branches (probably a bit harsh on the SC).  Then again, fear mongering has been with us for most of “our” history and sadly enough it still drive our society today.