The financial media is abuzz with the soundbite that the stock market is off to “the worst start in history” in 2016. That is both absolutely true, and completely misleading. The fact is, corrections similar in size to the one we saw the first few weeks of the year happen on average once a year, they just haven’t happened to coincide with the first few weeks of the year in the past. So the fact that this is the worst start ever is an interesting anecdote, but is also fairly meaningless for our Thrift Savings Plan investing. (See also, Debunking the January Myth in case you were concerned by the annual beginning of February onslaught of click-bait headlines suggesting that a poor market performance in January portends of a bad year.)
Comments: Pretty insightful analysis from the TSP Allocation Guide. I have been following it now for sometime; dude knows what he is talking about.