75 Must-Know Statistics About Race, Income, and Wealth

Christine Benz

AttributionThis article was posted on Morningstar.com by the veritable Christine Benz.  I could not help but post it on my blog because this is the clearest I have ever seen the numbers laid down that describes in pure detail what racism looks like.

Income and wealth disparities along racial lines have repercussions for all aspects of life in the U.S.: education, health, homeownership, retirement, and life expectancy.

Racial inequality in the United States has many dimensions, but one of the most impactful and broad-ranging is economic. On average, people of color experience significantly

lower levels of income, retirement savings, and rates of homeownership than white Americans. Those shortfalls contribute mightily to other ill effects: poorer healthcare outcomes, lower educational attainment, and shorter life expectancies, for example.

Making strides toward improving these issues, let alone solving them, is far from simple. But a key first step is acknowledging and understanding the magnitude of the problem. And if there’s a single positive associated with financial inequality along racial lines, it’s that it’s incredibly easy to demonstrate with data.

Here are some key statistics about the impact of the racial divide for income, savings, and overall financial well-being.


What to do in your 20s to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s?

1. Don’t make a belief about “living in the moment.” Either do not trust that purchasing new bags, shoes, or clothes can give you extra points, yet don’t think it is cool to squander. Before the age of 30, you need to save money and accumulate assets for yourself. Cash is your fundamental courage and confidence when faced with difficulties.

 2. Hold the strongest desire to win and insist on self-improvement. If you go all out, you will have no regrets even if you fail. (more…)

How can you identify intelligent people?

Really like this list – lifted from Quora by Kelly Duncan:

  1. Intelligent people do not like to gossip, they like talking about idea and innovations. Hence, they cannot just be friends with everybody. Average people sometimes gossips, belittle and jealous a lot.
  2. Intelligent people are capable of having a conversation on different topics eg, Politics, world news, mathematics, just anything. They talk with facts and sometimes with exact dates. Average people just blah blah blah !!!
  3. They listen a lot and a lot, if you notice someone in a group sitting quietly at the corner and listening before making any contribution to the conversation, he or she is likely an intelligent person.
  4. They know the value of time, so they act on purpose and plan.
  5. They are prone to a migraine and other types of headaches because they worry a lot, they analyze intuitively.
  6. Intelligent people help other people grow in life, they are not afraid of you overtaking them. Their mission is entirely different.
  7. Intelligent people believe in continuous learning and self-development.
  8. Some of them might have some kind of boring life like not going to the nightclub, running after women (vice versa), watching TV etc. They engage themselves in activities that are profitable to their knowledge and they also practice ‘’Delayed gratification’’.
  9. They are quick to change. Average people do not want to get out of their comfort zone because of fear. Intelligent people get out of their comfort zone because they can easily adapt.
  10. Intelligent people do things differently, they do not follow the crowd. Unfortunately, many of us were raised to follow the crowd.
  11. Intelligent people are very creative.
  12. Intelligent people stay up late. They might be busy working on some projects or doing some findings.
  13. Ignorant people always assume that they are brilliant while intelligent people doubt their abilities, hence the reason why they learn more and more.
  14. People tend to see intelligent people as lazy people because they try to make difficult work easier.
  15. They have this curiosity in them, they ask questions a lot. They always want to know!! Know !! Know !! Hence, they are always open-minded.
  16. They usually have messy desks, they are not organized.
  17. They usually don’t believe in the social media of a thing. If they do, probably just for networking or moderately.
  18. Average people live to impress, intelligent people are just living their life. Your opinion about their lifestyle doesn’t matter.
  19. They are very humorous and happy. They connect with other people easily.
  20. While you carry your cell phone first when leaving the house, an intelligent person cares more about not forgetting his pen and a sheet of paper.

See it here – https://qr.ae/pNrEU2

What are some ugly truths of life?

I just love this list that I lifted from Quora – written by Jasmin Mous

  1. Evil exists. There are people who have chosen to destroy everything and everyone that comes into their way.
  2. Empathy is NOT a motto to live by. It is a skill for you and you only. If you live by being full of empathy for everyone it becomes a blind spot for people to use against you.
  3. If you stay too long anywhere, you usually end up wasting time without realizing. Job, relationship..
  4. People don’t want to hear the truth. They want to hear what sounds “good” and “reasonable”.
  5. Education makes a nation great. College is not overrated. When it is turned into a commodity then question the system and not the college experience.
  6. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
  7. If you never go out of your comfort zones, you will stay very simple thinking you are very complex.
  8. Sometimes you do have to be the bigger one and no one will be there to applaud you for it.
  9. It takes courage not to offer confusion but solutions to this world.
  10. Contrary to popular belief vulnerability does not equal weakness. It equals strength.
  11. Manipulation is shunned yet everybody manipulates every day. Better to be aware than to ignore.
  12. Love does not hurt. Idealizing does.
  13. Nothing will get you through life like mental resilience can.
  14. Whether you believe in god, karma or pure consequences, this life will give you everything back you put in. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. If you chase pleasure instead of pain, you will look back with regret. The easier route never leads to anything.

What successful people have in common?

The below list was lifted from Quora and is authored by Adam Fayed Founder of Global Online Financial Advisory Firm.  I really like this list a lot.  I think just successful is enough though – not just ultra successful.  I am even sure what ultra successful means.  I suppose there is something to be said about degrees.

The ability to delay gratification

  • Focus
  • Determination
  • Persistence
  • They are less influenced by the majority
  • They are readers
  • They invest in themselves
  • They invest in financial projects
  • They are open-minded
  • They also take care of their health and other things which aren’t directly linked to their wealth
  • They take personal responsibility
  • They are less focused on losses, and more on gains, or a realistic view of gains/losses. Most people are more focused on avoiding loss.
  • Focus on the long-term
  • They learn from their mistakes
  • And the mistakes of others