Just got my latest lipid (Cholesterol) profile results. The doctor wanted me to follow up after my last assessment in the Fall. My LDL (bad cholesterol) was really crappy, so she wanted me to get back on Zocor to see what happens. Well here are the numbers:
- Cholesterol Profile (September 2014) – Great News!
- Total Cholesterol – 165 mg/dL (ideal is < 200) – Extremely Great! ☺ (down by 82 from 247)
- Triglycerides – 62 mg/dL (ideal is < 150) – very good ☺ (down by 24 from 86)
- HDL – 63 mg/dL (>40 is good; ideal > 60) – good ☺ (up by 9 from 54)
- LDL – 89.6 mg/dL (ideal is < 129) not good☺ (down by 85.4 from 175)
- VLDL – 12.4 mg/dL (5 – 40 is normal) – very good ☺ (down by 4.8 from 17.2)
- Cholesterol / HDL ratio – 2.6 (< 5 is good; <3.5 is idea) – good ☺ (down by 2.0 from 4.6)
* Overall assessment is awesome. Doctor advise continue on statins for the next 120 days and see where we are. I expect to be still great. In addition to taking my statins over the past 90 days I have been keeping the workout thing going. I think these numbers are a confirmation that I have been doing the right things; will just keep it going.
- High Blood Pressure (September 2014) – Good News!
- No change here my measurement each of the last time I have been to the doctor has been right around 120/70. I have not been on any meds for that for some time now. I tell you woking in out is the key to just about everything.
- Sleep – Getting better; not there yet!
- So I go my sleep study done per my doctor, as indicated in previous post. So I got my CPAP machine and it is great. The problem now is that I have not been as diligent as I should be. This is my next challenge. I need to no crap take my sleep more seriously. Hope to have better report on next post.
- Glaucoma – Nothing to report due for checkup in September 2015
Overall I do feel pretty good. I just got my dental checkup as well and things are looking great too. I need to get a crow on a tooth that has lost a filling – it is not pressing so I will put it on a schedule. So I have begin to make good on my word. My numbers look much better and so I must keep at it going forward…smile! keep leaning forward!
Background: A Comprehensive Guide to Cholesterol Levels
Health Check (Fall 2014)
So, I finished up my round of health checks for the year over the last few weeks. Here is where I stand. By virtue of race, I am predisposed to a few things like high cholesterol, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Additionally, I have been suffering (more or less) from lack of sleep. So here is where this 40-something stands in these areas; you might be familiar with some of the medical jargon, while not so much with others:
- High Cholesterol (September 2014) – Good News…mostly!
- Total Cholesterol – 247 (ideal is < 200) – not good ☹
- Triglycerides – 86mg/dL (ideal is < 150) – very good ☺
- HDL – 54mg/dL (>40 is good; ideal > 60) – good ☺
- LDL – 175 mg/dL (ideal is < 129) not good ☹
- VLDL – 17.2 mg/dL (5 – 40 is normal) – very good ☺
- Cholesterol / HDL ratio – 4.6 (< 5 is good; <3.5 is idea) – good ☺
* Overall assessment is good. Doctor advise going back on statin to get down my Total and LDLs. I have been off them for a few years now.
- Glaucoma (September 2014) – Good News!
- Visited with ophthalmologist to ensure that there has been no change in my optic disk/nerves over the intervening years since I left service. After a battery of tests, my sight was deemed perfect. I have 2015 vision, which doesn’t really mean that glaucoma is not progressing, but upon observing my nerve, he says that it looks good. I will just have to follow up a year from now.
- High Blood Pressure (September 2014) – Good News!
- My range has been in the very low 120s to teens over 70s. Not totally stress free, but life is definitely in a better place.
- Sleep – Not Good News!
- My doctor ordered a sleep study for me and sure enough it appears that I do have sleep apnea. I have been averaging about 4-hours of solid sleep each night; obviously this is not really good for the body and has all kinds of resultant effects. I will be using a CPAP machine to assist; hope to get it in the next few days to weeks.
I suppose my overall general status would be somewhere slightly above good; so between my daily workout schedule and pushing myself to eat properly, I hope to improve my numbers above over the coming days, weeks, months and years. I have to, in order to early my retirement…smile!