The shortest walk through African-American history shows that the white American response to any kind of Black Power flexing has always been the same, regardless of century or tone.

What has made the 21st century so interesting is that, perhaps for the first time in American history, the right people are being studied. Examining “race in America,” now in vogue, used to be called grappling with “The Negro Problem.”  Black leadership and luminaries were ignored when they repeatedly said during the last century’s white supremacist flare-ups: it’s white Americans that are beyond due for the collective, public microscope.

Source: History Repeats Itself With Backlash Against Black Empowerment

My Comments: Awesomely put Mr. Burroughs.  It is so so very refreshing to see the like of you and others like Ta-Nehisi  are bearing witness in eloquent words to the world for us.  Thank you sir.