I Ramped Up My Internet Security, and You Should Too


Some people make dieting resolutions in the New Year. I make security and privacy resolutions, because those are the things that keep me up at night. After all, as a journalist, it’s important for me to give my sources assurances that I will keep their communications confidential. And in today’s world, that is an ever-more-difficult task.

Source: https://mbno.com/rLH/a-6
My Comments: This is really good stuff!

The 14 habits of top college students

The Impact of Absent Fathers on the Mental Health of Black Boys

Studies show that sons in fatherless households have the highest odds of being incarcerated, have higher levels of behavioral problems and are more likely to be suspended from school.

Thabiti Boone grew up in a neighborhood where fathers didn’t exist, he says. The few who were physically present weren’t there spiritually or emotionally.

“I never saw dads in the park playing with their sons,” Boone recalls.

In his own life, Boone, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., says that his father was present but not there. A star high school basketball player, Boone says his father came to only one of his games.

“I don’t remember my father hugging me. We never heard him say he was proud of us,” Boone says of himself and his brother. “The emotional pain of what I deserve and didn’t get, I have to carry it for the rest of my life.”

Source: The Impact of Absent Fathers on the Mental Health of Black Boys
My Comments: This is powerful stuff.  The best gift a man can give his son is to carry him into manhood.  I love my son with all my heart and hug and kiss him every day; never thought for one millisecond not being in his life. Could never understand a man who would – could never understand mine.

Troubling Habits of Chronically Unhappy People


Happiness comes in so many different forms that it can be hard to define. Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s taken ahold of you.

Unhappiness is lethal to everyone around you, just like second-hand smoke. The famous Terman Study from Stanford followed subjects for eight decades and found that being around unhappy people is linked to poorer health and a shorter life span.

Source: Troubling Habits of Chronically Unhappy People
My Comments: Good advice writing

College sports exploits unpaid black athletes

Disproportionately black football and basketball players are making disproportionately white administrators and coaches rich.

On Monday night, college football will crown a new champion. In the process, a lot of money will be made.

No matter who wins, the University of Alabama’s Southeastern Conference and Clemson University’s Atlantic Coast Conference will be paid $6 million each. So will the conferences of the schools those teams beat to make it to the final. The organization that runs the playoff, a Delaware-headquartered corporation that’s separate from the NCAA, takes in about $470 million each year from ESPN.

Source: College sports exploits unpaid black athletes.
My Comments: This needs to stop.  Athletes need to act their worth and then this craziness.

Trevor Noah’s on Obama and Gun Control

Trevor Noah’s on Obama and Gun Control

My Comments: What you see here is callous and nasty racism displayed by lesser being. The inhumanity of them turns my stomach. And don’t believe for one moment that this is about politics, right wing or republicanism, as if democrats and the left have a hold on moral uprightness – they DO NOT. It is plain and simple veiled racism. And if it takes a thousand years we will beat this.

Retirement FOMO: 5 things young investors can should do to save for retirement


Reflecting on National Save for Retirement Week, my co-workers and I have been thinking a lot about those close to or in retirement. However, we shouldn’t ignore the fact that our advice might actually be more helpful to folks at the beginning of the journey than those approaching their retirement destination. There are more of these folks than you may imagine; millennials have surpassed the population of baby boomers, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Yet too often this is a generation forgotten. So, I asked one of my colleagues, Zoe Odenwalder, a 20-something millennial herself, to provide a few suggestions to make the trip to retirement a more relaxing one. Read Zoe’s unique insight below:

Source: 5 things young investors can should do to save for retirement

My Comments: Really sage words; I see myself in much of this article.

Hubble Sees a Supermassive and Super-hungry Galaxy | NASA

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the spiral galaxy NGC 4845, located over 65 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo (The Virgin). The galaxy’s orientation clearly reveals the galaxy’s striking spiral structure: a flat and dust-mottled disk surrounding a bright galactic bulge.

Source: Hubble Sees a Supermassive and Super-hungry Galaxy

My Comments: Awesomely beautiful!

NuSTAR’s View of Galaxy 1068 | NASA

Galaxy 1068 is shown in visible light and X-rays in this composite image. High-energy X-rays (magenta) captured by NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, are overlaid on visible-light images from both NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Source: NuSTAR’s View of Galaxy 1068
My Comments: Beautiful!

Only in America: Four years into life, poor kids are already an entire year behind

This is a major blemish for a country that likes to call itself the greatest in the world.

Wealthy parents aren’t just able to send their kids to top pre-schools—they can also purchase the latest learning technology and ensure their children experience as many museums, concerts and other cultural experiences as possible. Low-income parents, on the other hand, don’t have that opportunity. Instead, they’re often left to face the reality of sending their kids to schools without having had the chance to provide an edifying experience at home.

Source: Only in America: Four years into life, poor kids are already an entire year behind
My Comments: Will have to read this…

When Should You Replace Your Running or Walking Shoes?

Sure, your running or walking shoes feel super comfy. There may be plenty of tread left on the bottoms. And those day-glo green features may still be shining bright. But more »

One Shoe Does Not Fit All

There’s no hard and fast rule that applies to all shoes—and all runners and walkers. In fact, experts say that a shoe’s lifespan depends on variables like the type of shoe, your gait, your weight, and where you run or walk.

Source: When Should You Replace Your Running or Walking Shoes?
My Comments: Very useful…

Analysts Accuse CENTCOM of Covering Up Cooked ISIS Intelligence

Allegations are mounting that senior intelligence officials at Central Command not only skewed findings on the ISIS war to please D.C., but tried to hide what they did.

In July, a group of intelligence analysts at the U.S. military’s Central Command accused their bosses of distorting and selectively editing intelligence reports about the fight against ISIS in order to portray that campaign as more successful than it really was. As a result of those complaints, the Pentagon’s inspector general opened an investigation.

Source: Analysts Accuse CENTCOM of Covering Up Cooked ISIS Intelligence
My Comments: This is bad juju.  It appears Greg is being served up for this.

Which Helps You Lose Weight Faster: Body-Weight or Weighted Exercise?

It’s face-off time: body-weight versus weighted exercises. Which one will help you lose weight faster? Without a doubt, anyone who’s beginning their weight-loss journey wants to know which is the more »

It’s face-off time: body-weight versus weighted exercises. Which one will help you lose weight faster?

Without a doubt, anyone who’s beginning their weight-loss journey wants to know which is the fastest method to reach his or her goals and maintain the slim down into the future.

You may have heard that strength training is a great route to go but are now feeling confused. Must you use weight? Or are body-weight exercises a better choice?

Let’s look at some key things to consider as you make this decision for yourself:

Source: Which Helps You Lose Weight Faster: Body-Weight or Weighted Exercise?
My Comments: I have been using mainly body-weight lately, but I have began to add in a bit of weights for the arms.

The 10 Rules of Successful Exercise

We’re big believers in supporting everyone’s different needs for different types of exercise. Maybe you’re a marathon runner. That’s awesome! Maybe you’re going to run your first mile outside today. more »

Regular physical activity is important, and everyone pretty much agrees, but life gets in the way. Most of us end up trying to fit exercise in around a busy schedule rich in sedentary behaviors. We’re sitting all the time. We’re spending countless hours at jobs we may not necessarily love. Responsibilities pile up and time slips away before we notice it was even there. We need to make our exercise count. We need to get it right. So today, I’m going to lay out the ten most important rules for successful exercise. These are the rules I use to form my exercise philosophy. These ten items have helped me get fitter, healthier, and happier than I ever was as a professional athlete, and I think they’ll help you out, too.

Source: The 10 Rules of Successful Exercise
My Comments: Very good article from Mark’s Daily Apple

The Top 10 Philosophical Ideas That Everyone Should Understand? 


This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Alex Bützow, Nordic Law Student1. Introspection.Introspection is one of the most fundamental necessities of trying to understand who you

1. Introspection.
Introspection is one of the most fundamental necessities of trying to understand who you are and what your place in the world is. It should be necessary to everyone to explain to themselves in a satisfactory manner a) why they believe in what they believe b) is there a possibility of them being completely and utterly wrong in their conclusions. In addition, being able to examine your own internal process from a non-involved vantage point while it’s happening is extremely helpful in creating a complete idea of your self-identity.

Source: The Top 10 Philosophical Ideas That Everyone Should Understand?
My Comments: Excellent response.  I believe I will start this process.

A Hubble View of Starburst Galaxy Messier 94 | NASA

This image shows the galaxy Messier 94, which lies in the small northern constellation of the Hunting Dogs, about 16 million light-years away.

Within the bright ring or starburst ring around Messier 94, new stars are forming at a high rate and many young, bright stars are present within it.

The cause of this peculiarly shaped star-forming region is likely a pressure wave going outwards from the galactic center, compressing the gas and dust in the outer region. The compression of material means the gas starts to collapse into denser clouds. Inside these dense clouds, gravity pulls the gas and dust together until temperature and pressure are high enough for stars to be born.

Source: A Hubble View of Starburst Galaxy Messier 94
My Comments: Awesome Beauty!

12 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site You’ve Probably Overlooked – WPMU DEV

WordPress security is often referred to as “hardening.” Makes sense. After all, the process is like adding reinforcements to your castle. It’s all about bolstering the gates and putting lookouts on every tower. But that term doesn’t always allow you to realize the details that go into improving site security.

Source: 12 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site You’ve Probably Overlooked – WPMU DEV
My Comments:  Great article…

9 Ways to Stay Sane and Reasonably Fit While You’re Injured – MapMyRun Blog

Being injured is a tough pill to swallow for any endurance athlete, especially if the ailment seems fairly minor. It’s a pain to take two weeks off from running because more »

Being injured is a tough pill to swallow for any endurance athlete, especially if the ailment seems fairly minor. It’s a pain to take two weeks off from running because of a sprained ankle when you’re in the middle of a big training block, especially if, other than the ankle, you’re feeling fantastic. But rather than letting injury mess with your head, consider using it as a challenge and a chance to grow as an athlete. And don’t panic—just because you can’t run or cycle doesn’t mean you can’t train.

Source: 9 Ways to Stay Sane and Reasonably Fit While You’re Injured – MapMyRun Blog
My Comments: Great article…

Don’t Rely on These 3 Flawed Strategies to Protect You From a Market Setback

Going to cash is a really bad idea.

At some point the volatility that’s been roiling the stock market this year will culminate in a good old-fashioned market meltdown. But no one knowswhen that will happen. So you don’t want to do anything beforehand to protect yourself that may turn out to be ineffective or even hurt your portfolio’s performance in the long run. Here are three common strategies investors employ to insulate themselves from market setbacks that you should avoid.

Source: Don’t Rely on These 3 Flawed Strategies to Protect You From a Market Setback
My Comments:  Pretty good information.

What are some good habits of very wealthy people? 



This is the wrong question. It’s upside down.

But ok. Another friend of mine wrote a good post on this topic. But I know him and how he made his millions and although his answer was good, it wasn’t how he made his money.

Money is not everything. It’s a side effect. It’s a bypr

Source: What are some good habits of very wealthy people?

My Comments: James Altucher is truly one of the most amazing think around.  His ability to just spit wise and insightful words is hardly without equal.

New Study: 30 mins of Exercise a day is not enough

The American Heart Association currently recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day.

If you’re among of the millions of Americans who dutifully carve out 30 minutes a day for the moderate-intensity exercise recommended by experts based on the idea that you’re doing all you can for your heart, you’re in for some disappointing news.

A new analysis published Monday in the journal Circulation finds that that amount of activity may not be good enough.

Source: New study: 30 mins of Exercise a day is not enough.
My Comments: I can understand that, but better some than none.