This is equivalent to Day 20 on Lambada program and Day 35 on the “Path”.  Really good workout today…felt relatively strong; compare to yesterday, today was like a new day.  Gym was pretty crowded took me longer than I really wanted to spend in there.   Tomorrow is gonna be a 90 min cardio sculpting day.

Workout: Day 35(4) (Upper Body II) – 66mins
Chest, Shoulder, Triceps (2min rest)

Bench Press: 2@12 reps,1->fail: 55,55,55@12
Bench Flyes: 2@12 reps,1->fail: 20,20,20@15 – pretty deep reps
Dumbbell Shrugs:2@12 reps,1->fail: 55,55,55@12
Dumbbell Front Raises: 2@12 reps,1->fail:15,15,15
Dumbell Punches: 2@12 reps,1->fail:15,15,15
Bench Dips: 2@12 reps,1->fail: 12,12,12
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension:3@25 reps @ 20
Tricep Pressdown:  2@12 reps,1->fail:80,80,80@12

Elliptical: 30 min
Distance: 2.51 miles  (high resistance – climbing)
Calories: 933

Total Distance: 118.21miles (Goal 200/81.79 remain)
Total Calories: 25,513 (Goal 40,000/14,487 remain)
Total Jumps: 2200
Total Pushups: 1855 (Goal 10,000)

Good livin’…keep movin’!