Another awesome workout…really pushed it hard today again. Eating was not as great as the last time I worked legs, but it was sort of ok. I have to make sure I eat properly before working legs.  Pushed 360lbs again on the Hack Squats and I also incorporated regular squats again…haven’t done so in a long time. Really hard time on the hamstring with the lying leg curls. I think it might be because I go so heavy onthe Hack Squats to start with. I also hit the Stiff Leg DeadLifts as well.
Workout: Day 25 (T31/Lower Body) – 65mins/1min rest
Hack Squat 1×12,10,10 (270,360,360)
Regular Squats (Smith’s Machine) 1×12,10,10 @ 160 (45’s+35s)
Seated Leg Extension 1×12,10,10 (135,135,135)
Standing Weightless Squats – 3x 15
Walking Lunges 3×12 (30,35,35)
Smiths Machine Stiff-Legged Dead lift 1×12,10,10Â @ 140 (45’s+25s)
Lying Leg Curl 1×12,10,10 (100,100,100)
Seated Calf-raise 3×12 (2×45’s)
Hack Squat Calf Press 1×15 (270)
Cardio: 15mins
Distance: 2.5
Pushups: 60
Calories: 962
Total Distance: 65.54 miles (Goal 250/184.46 remain) *
Total Calories: 14,333 (Goal 50,000/35,667 remain) *
Total Pushups: 1320 (Goal 10,000 / 8,670)
Good livin’…keep movin’!