Twitter Daily Updates for 2012-01-07
- My Daily Read: New Defense Guidance Embraces Strategic Decline https://t.co/0yuc07J6 #
- My Daily Read: The Rise of the American Oligarchy https://t.co/qC6Xa9Td #
- My Daily Read: The Strange Death of the Republican Moderate https://t.co/NslcUykg #
- My Daily Read: Copernicus’s Last Act https://t.co/wxo9xbEz #
- My Daily Read: Gingrich Pushes Back Against Charges of Racism https://t.co/X8Rskqx5 #
- My Daily Read: Pro-Piracy Group Says It's Now A Recognized Religion In Sweden https://t.co/AS27CJd0 #
- My Daily Read: This Tea Party ROCKS! And Wants To Cash In https://t.co/ESDI3k22 #
- My Daily Read: U.S. broadens archaic definition of rape https://t.co/d5sg2ojI #
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