Today’s run – 3.0 km/15 min

Mood: Haven run in a while been working quite a bit. Once I get thru next week. Will get back on a good schedule.


Week 13 (0): 3.0 km [this week] – [Pre-Phase IV- 3.0 km / (All – 311.9km)]

Week 12: 27.2 km [Phase III – 105.9]
Week 11: 30.4 km
Week 10: 14.6 km
Week 09: 33.7 km
Week 08: 10.4 km [Phase II – 77.4]
Week 07: 22.4 km
Week 06: 27.4 km
Week 05: 17.2 km
Week 04: 35.6 km [Phase I – 123.4]
Week 03: 33.o km
Week 02: 28.9 km
Week 01: 26.1 km

Got the result – at least the partial result of my cholesterol test. It was 254, but I am still waiting for my HDLs the good cholesterol. My LDL’s were 11; will have to do a bit of research to see exactly what that means. I really thinking about getting on Lipitor or something I think I really need to be below 200. I have been above 22o at least in the last 15 years. I would hate to have any collective snap.